Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors
My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax error in function 'SayCommandUnderstood': 'for' header with too few clauses". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main source or in an extension used by it.
My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax error in function 'SayMisunderstoodWords': 'for' header with too few clauses". Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the main source or in an extension used by it.
Include Parser Error Details by Zed Lopez.
This offers ``showcommand``, which beefs up version of the testing command ``showverb``, chiefly by listing all of the equivalent verbs for a given verb. It has no dependency on ShowVerbSub or any testing routines, so it could be compiled for release. The use option: ``` Use show commands after parser error. ``` makes it automatically invoke after parser errors. This is offered as a running version of Andrew and Aaron's decade-old proofs of concept. ``showcommand`` may be useful to authors during development, but I don't conceive of this as something anyone would want to drop as is into a game for release.
Version 1 of Parser Error Details (for Glulx only) by Zed Lopez begins here. "Says where the parser ceased understanding a command, and describes ways the dictionary does know how to use that verb. Tested on 6M62." "based on code by Aaron Reed and Andrew Plotkin"[ ] Use authorial modesty. Use DICT_WORD_SIZE of 10. Use show commands after parser error translates as (- Constant SHOW_COMMANDS_AFTER_PARSER_ERROR; -). Command-showing is an action out of world applying to one topic. Understand "showcommand [text]" as command-showing. Carry out command-showing: describe-verb. To describe-verb: (- DescribeVerbSub(); -). After printing a parser error when the show commands after parser error option is active: now VerbToExplain is true. VerbToExplain is a truth state that varies. For reading a command when VerbToExplain is true and the show commands after parser error option is active: now VerbToExplain is false; replace the player’s command with "showcommand [word number 1 in the player’s command]". VerbExplaining is an action out of world applying to nothing. To verb-explain: (- DescribeVerbSub(); -). To say dictionary word entry (n - a number): (- print (address) {n}; -) To say canonical verb for (n - a number) and (act - an action name) (this is canon-verb): say canonical verb text for n and act. To decide what text is the canonical verb text for/-- (n - a number) and (act - an action name): [ will always be a single word; return value should always be a single word ] let t be the substituted form of the canonical verb text for n; let act-name be the substituted form of "[act]"; if act-name is "throwing it at", decide on "throw"; if act-name is "examining" and t is "look", decide on "examine"; if act-name is "switching off" and t is "close", decide on "shut"; decide on t; To decide what text is the canonical verb text for/-- (n - a number): let t be the substituted form of "[dictionary word entry n]"; if t is "hop" or t is "skip", decide on "jump"; if t is "carry" or t is "hold", decide on "take"; if t is "don", decide on "wear"; if t is "discard", decide on "drop"; if t is "pay" or t is "offer" or t is "feed", decide on "give"; if t is "present" or t is "display", decide on "show"; if t is "walk" or t is "run", decide on "go"; if t is "i" or t is "inv", decide on "inventory"; if t is "l", decide on "look"; if t is "unwrap" or t is "uncover", decide on "open"; if t is "shut" or t is "cover", decide on "close"; if t is "cross", decide on "enter"; if t is "leave" or t is "out", decide on "exit"; if t is "x" or t is "watch" or t is "describe" or t is "check", decide on "examine"; if t is "y", decide on "yes"; if t is "adjust", decide on "set"; if t is "drag", decide on "pull"; if t is "move" or t is "shift" or t is "clear" or t is "press", decide on "push"; if t is "rotate" or t is "twist" or t is "unscrew" or t is "screw", decide on "turn"; if t is "break" or t is "smash" or t is "hit" or t is "fight" or t is "torture" or t is "wreck" or t is "crack" or t is "destroy" or t is "murder" or t is "kill" or t is "punch" or t is "thump", decide on "attack"; if t is "z", decide on "wait"; if t is "nap", decide on "sleep"; if t is "scale", decide on "climb"; if t is "purchase", decide on "buy"; if t is "squash", decide on "squeeze"; if t is "awake" or t is "awaken", decide on "wake"; if t is "embrace" or t is "hug", decide on "kiss"; if t is "sniff", decide on "smell"; if t is "feel", decide on "touch"; if t is "shine" or t is "polish" or t is "sweep" or t is "clean" or t is "dust" or t is "wipe" or t is "scrub", decide on "rub"; if t is "attach" or t is "fasten", decide on "tie"; if t is "light", decide on "burn"; if t is "swallow" or t is "sip", decide on "drink"; decide on t; Include (- [ DescribeVerbSub address lines meta i x verb_addr; wn = 2; x = NextWordStopped(); if (x == 0 || ((x->#dict_par1) & 1) == 0) return; meta = ((x->#dict_par1) & 2)/2; i = DictionaryWordToVerbNum(x); address = VM_CommandTableAddress(i); lines = address->0; address++; verb_addr = VM_PrintCommandWords_spec(i); new_line; if (lines == 0) "has no grammar lines."; for (: lines>0 : lines--) { address = UnpackGrammarLine(address); print " "; VerbDebugGrammarLine(verb_addr); new_line; } ParaContent(); ]; [ VerbDebugGrammarLine verb_addr pcount; print " * "; ((+ canon-verb +)-->1)(verb_addr,action_to_be); for (: line_token-->pcount ~= ENDIT_TOKEN : pcount++) { if ((line_token-->pcount)->0 & $10) print "/"; else print " "; print (VerbDebugToken) line_token-->pcount; !, " "; } print " -> ", (SayActionName) action_to_be; !print " (", (VerbDebugAction) action_to_be, ")"; if (action_reversed) print " (with nouns reversed)"; ]; [ VerbDebugAction a str; if (a >= 4096) { print "<fake action ", a-4096, ">"; return; } if (a < 0 || a >= #identifiers_table-->7) print "<invalid action ", a, ">"; else { str = #identifiers_table-->6; str = str-->a; if (str) print (string) str; else print "<unnamed action ", a, ">"; } ]; [ VerbDebugToken token; AnalyseToken(token); switch (found_ttype) { ILLEGAL_TT: print "<illegal token number ", token, ">"; ELEMENTARY_TT: switch (found_tdata) { NOUN_TOKEN: print "{something}"; HELD_TOKEN: print "{something held}"; MULTI_TOKEN: print "{one or more things}"; MULTIHELD_TOKEN: print "{one or more things held}"; MULTIEXCEPT_TOKEN: print "{one or more things}"; MULTIINSIDE_TOKEN: print "{one or more things inside another thing}"; CREATURE_TOKEN: print "{someone}"; SPECIAL_TOKEN: print "{special}"; NUMBER_TOKEN: print "{a number}"; TOPIC_TOKEN: print "{any text}"; ENDIT_TOKEN: print "{END}"; } PREPOSITION_TT: print "", (address) found_tdata, ""; ROUTINE_FILTER_TT: print "<noun routine>"; ATTR_FILTER_TT: print (VerbDebugAttribute) found_tdata; SCOPE_TT: print "<scope routine>"; GPR_TT: print "<GPR routine>"; } return found_ttype; ]; [ VerbDebugAttribute a str; if (a < 0 || a >= NUM_ATTR_BYTES*8) print "<invalid attribute ", a, ">"; else { str = #identifiers_table-->4; str = str-->a; if (str) print (string) str; else print "<unnamed attribute ", a, ">"; } ]; [ VM_PrintCommandWords_spec i wd j dictlen entrylen ctr result found; ctr = 0; found = 0; dictlen = #dictionary_table–->0; entrylen = DICT_WORD_SIZE + 7; for (j = 0 : j < dictlen : j++ ) { wd = #dictionary_table + WORDSIZE + (entrylen * j); if (DictionaryWordToVerbNum(wd) == i) found++; if (found > 1) break; } for (j = 0 : j < dictlen : j++ ) { wd = #dictionary_table + WORDSIZE + (entrylen * j); if (DictionaryWordToVerbNum(wd) == i) { if (ctr == 0) result = wd; if (ctr >= 1) print ", "; if (ctr == 0) { print "Here are all the ways I know how to use the verb"; if (found > 1) print "s"; print " "; } print (address) wd; ctr++; } } print ": "; return result; ]; -). Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the only understood as far as error and the show commands after parser error option is active: let cw be "[the command word]"; let cu be "[the partial command understood]"; let mw be "[the misunderstood words]"; say "I understood the command '[cu]'[unless cw exactly matches the text cu] (that is, '[cw]')[end unless], but not the word"; if mw matches the text " ", say "s"; say " '"; say the misunderstood words; say "' at the end."; To say the command word: (- SayCommandWord(); -). To say the partial command understood: (- SayCommandUnderstood(); -). To say the misunderstood word/words: (- SayMisunderstoodWords(); -). Include (- [ SayCommandWord m; for (m=0 : m<32 : m++) pattern-->m = pattern2-->m; pcount = pcount2; PrintCommand(0); ]; [ SayCommandUnderstood m ix addr len; for (ix=1: ix < wn-1; ix++) { if (ix ~= 1) print " "; addr = WordAddress(ix); len = WordLength(ix); while (len) { print (char) addr->0; addr++; len--; } } ]; [ SayMisunderstoodWords ix addr len; for (ix=wn-1 : ix <= num_words; ix++) { if (ix ~= wn-1) print " "; addr = WordAddress(ix); len = WordLength(ix); while (len) { print (char) addr->0; addr++; len--; } } ]; -) Parser Error Details ends here.